Thursday, March 19, 2009
Struggling homeowners who are confused about whether they qualify for help under the Obama administration's mortgage plan have a new website to turn to.

A government website scheduled to launch overnight -- -- is supposed to make it easy for homeowners to see if they're one of the estimated 7 million to 9 million people eligible for the program and calculate how much they might save.

The information on the site is essentially the same as was made public March 4 about the plan, which offers banks incentives to lower mortgage payments or adjust interest rates for some homeowners. But the new site has a snazzy, streamlined design, plus calculators, tips and resources.

There's also a hot line, (888) 995-HOPE, for people who cannot or do not wish to go online that will put them in touch with counselors approved by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

All of the information about new government programs can be very confusing. But if nothing else, remember this: Help is free.

Scams are being reported across the country, with shysters mimicking government language to take advantage of homeowners who have heard of Obama's programs but do not know details.

"Beware of any person or organization that asks you to pay a fee in exchange for housing counseling services or modification of a delinquent loan," the new website urges. "Do not pay -- walk away!"

The government also is asking people to be patient with banks as they try to absorb the program's details and train their own workers. Homeowners have complained operators at bank customer service lines either do not know much about the Obama program or are unable to help.

Still, the website is just a guide, and just because homeowners should qualify does not mean banks will work with them. The program is voluntary for the financial institutions.

Four of the biggest banks in the country -- Bank of America, Citigroup, Wells Fargo and Chase -- are close to signing contracts to participate in the plan, senior administration officials said yesterday.

The program is targeted at homeowners who are current on their mortgage but who have not been able to refinance, or those who are struggling to make payments because their interest rates have gone up or their income has gone down.

Critics have said the program does not help people most in trouble -- those who owe much more on their mortgage than their home is worth.


Emma Heming

Emma HemingSources say actor Bruce Willis is planning a birthday wedding to his model girlfriend Emma Heming this week.

According to, the “Die Hard” star, who turns 54 on Thursday, March 19th and Emma Heming, 32, will exchange vows in Turks & Caicos, where the actor owns a home.

Although Willis’ rep is refusing to comment, sources say the couple arrived on the island this past weekend and rented a block of ocean-view homes for their guests.

Congratulations to Bruce & Emma!


Internet Explorer 8

Internet Explorer 8
On Thursday at the MIX09 conference in Las Vegas for Web developers and designers, Microsoft will announce the availability of its next-generation Web browser, Internet Explorer 8.
The conference, which runs from March 18 to 20, has already seen the launch of the Silverlight 3 beta, and a preview version of the Expression Blend 3 web design and prototyping tool.

Dean Hachamovitch, who heads up the IE8 development team, is expected to announce the browser's launch during his keynote today at MIX09. It will be available for download in 25 languages at starting at noon EDT on March 19. Installers will be available for Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows Server in both 32-bit and 64 bit editions.

"Customers have made clear what they want in a Web browser — safety, speed and greater ease of use," said Steve Ballmer, chief executive of Microsoft, in a statement. "With Internet Explorer 8, we are delivering a browser that gets people to the information they need, fast, and provides protection that no other browser can match."

Though still trailing Firefox in terms of JavaScript speed and available extensions, the newly released browser surpasses Mozilla in terms of security and browsing aids. The latter include Accelerators, WebSlices, search improvements, and new-tab assistance. IE8 also catches up to Firefox with its Smart Address bar, equivalent to the open source browser's so-called "awesome bar." IE8 also adds improved Web and on-page searching, as well as color-coded tabs for related web pages.

The browser made news with its InPrivate browsing mode, also known as "porn mode," back when it was in beta. InPrivate goes beyond other browser's similar features by hiding the users activities not only from other user of the same computer, but also prevents third-party Web sites from keeping tabs on your Internet activities. Other unique security features include protection against clickjacking and cross-site scripting.

For a full blow-by-blow analysis, see's review of Internet Explorer 8.


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Marie Douglas-David

The estranged wife of United Technologies Chairman George David says she has weekly expenses of $53,000 - more than what half the households in America earn annually and higher than the cost of attending an Ivy League school for a year.

Pity poor Marie Douglas-David, 36, a stunning Swedish countess in the middle of a divorce. She has no job, no assets and must depend on the largesse of her 66-year-old hubby for her well-being.

He is being kind.

At a hearing this week in Hartford Superior Court, he agreed to pay her $978,000 until their legal teams work out the terms of their divorce, including whether a $43 million post-nup she signed is still valid.

After six years of marriage, the eye-candy countess wants to keep the couple's 10,000-square-foot penthouse at 740 Park Ave., a source said.

She's willing to let David keep the weekend retreat in Sagaponack. It's a rental ($425,000 a year) anyway.

So how does Douglas-David, a former investment banker for Lazard Asset Management, manage to spend $53,000 a week?

Mortgage and maintenance fees and rent for the Park Avenue penthouse, the Hamptons retreat and properties in Sweden account for $27,300 a week, according to a financial affidavit she filed with the court. And then there's travel ($8,000), clothing ($4,500), a personal assistant ($2,209), horse care ($1,570), domestic help ($1,480), entertainment and restaurants ($1,500), health and skin care ($1,000), dry cleaning ($650), flowers ($600) and a trainer ($250).

And it must be noted after Marie Douglas-David is cutting back.

A footnote to her affidavit said, "While recognizing that many of these expenses may seem high, most are lower than prior to the commencement of this case in August 2007."

A source said the footnote referred to the fact that while Marie Douglas David and her husband, who used to be the CEO of United Technologies, were together, they spent $200,000 a week - or $10 million a year.

Douglas-David, the source said, only wants to live in the style to which she has grown accustomed. She has had no job since - with the backing of her husband - she quit her post at Lazard in 2003.

"It's all about her standard of living," the source said.

What about everybody else's standard of living?

According to the 2006 Census, 51.3 percent of American households earn less than $50,000.

And the cost of attending a year at Harvard, Princeton or Brown is about $50,000.

According to Marie Douglas-David's affidavit, she has assets of $4.4 million, but debts of $5.7 million, including $2.9 million she owes her husband for loans he made.

In court testimony, David said he made several purchases of jewelry for his wife, including a $138,582 diamond engagement ring, $100,000 diamond earrings, and a pair of $255,000 diamond-earring studs. But he continued to own the bling - apparently to avoid gift taxes. That's why the countess lists the value of her jewelry as only $5,000.

The couple hobnobbed with the likes of Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and took trips to China, Germany, Paris, London, the Bahamas and St. Tropez on United Technologies corporate jets and on a chartered yacht, The Hartford Courant reported.


Maria Sergeyeva

At only 24 she is already tipped to become a minister, and perhaps achieve her goal of ruling Russia. Happy to exploit her glamorous looks, Maria Sergeyeva has emerged seemingly from nowhere to become a leading propagandist for her hero, Vladimir Putin, her country's "Iron Man" Prime Minister.

Critics, who have dubbed her "Putin's pin-up", say that she is being used by the former KGB leader to target the young and to whip up jingoism and loathing of the West as Russia stares into the abyss of an economic crisis.

"Maria is a potent combination," says a supporter in Putin's party, United Russia. "She can sway crowds with her passion, her looks and her punchy style, but she also reaches out via her blogs and webcasts to places that normal politics fails to go."

She is a leading light of the Young Guards, a youthful and growing band of zealots dedicated to resisting any efforts to stop Putin's inexorable Russian revolution.

The Young Guards are close ideological cousins of Nashi, the controversial government-funded "youth movement" that led a six-month campaign of intimidation against former British Ambassador Sir Anthony Brenton in 2006 after he attended a conference held by critics of the Kremlin.

Both organisations were engineered to mimic Soviet-era youth organisations, such as the Young Communists, with the purpose of boosting "patriotism" in support of the ruling elite. But the Young Guards, though currently smaller than Nashi, have become more influential by harnessing the power of the internet to spread their message.

They recently raised their profile by highlighting the "immigration crisis" and helping police to identify illegal immigrants. With more than 100,000 members, many see membership as essential to their career development.

Although Sergeyeva claims that she holds no official position in the Young Guards, she is suddenly ubiquitous in Russian society - writing newspaper articles, attending political rallies (which, unlike so many others, don't get banned) and pontificating via the internet. One recent speech that was made available online had 140,000 hits, crashing the political website hosting it.

Her nationalist rhetoric is blunt, if not outright incendiary. At a time when racist attacks in her country are at unprecedented levels, she recently told immigrants to leave.

"They grab our work," she said. "Immigrants should work in places where Russians don't want to, or they should go back home."

She went on the offensive against former chess champion Garry Kasparov, one of Putin's few critics, saying he "sold himself to American spies". Another opponent, writer Eduard Limonov, was dismissed as having "the face of someone who is psychologically abnormal'".

She declared: "I personally consider them my enemies. They cast doubt on things that are very important to me: the integrity of Russia and its sovereignty."

Of a prominent radio talk-show host, another opponent of Putin, she said: "I'm not saying that Yulia Latynina is ugly. I'm saying that if a person experiences a lot of negative emotions, that negativity is reflected in her face."

Boasting that she wears almost exclusively Russian-made clothes rather than Western designer labels - she has a fondness for pink bikinis - Sergeyeva urges drivers to follow her example by shunning foreign cars.

She is critical of the West, especially America, seeing the world through the same prism as her leader. "Only the United States is our real competitor," she says. "When they provoked war in Georgia and revolution in Ukraine, I was so angry."

When it comes to Russia's latest crippling financial crisis, she believes that only Putin and his ally President Dmitry Medvedev can save her country.

Despite all her anti-Western rhetoric, Sergeyeva idolises Margaret Thatcher and Winston Churchill - she carries a book of his quotations in her handbag.

"I love Thatcher and Churchill because they are self-made leaders," she says. "I think Thatcher and I have some similarities. I don't like how my voice sounds when I am making speeches and I have read that Thatcher corrected her vocal cords to make her voice sound better - I may do the same. She worked hard. She is a good example for me."

Yet, unlike her heroine, it appears that this lady is for turning. Three years ago, Sergeyeva was a proud opponent of Putin and his party. She was a prominent activist in the tiny Democratic Party, a group that wanted Russia to join the European Union. Her most effective protest was a demonstration mocking Russia's rulers as robots and androids.

The circumstances of her sudden conversion to these robots are disputed. It certainly involved recruitment by a close friend who was already in the Guards, prompting some to suggest she'd been planted in an opposition party as a spy before coming "home".

Others believe Putin's cronies simply recognised her potential and recruited her on a hefty salary, a claim she denies.

Whatever the truth, she now lives and breathes pro-Putin politics.

According to her internet postings, one of her current assignments is to promote training sessions for loyalist bloggers-under the acronym KGB. Kursy Gosudarstvennykh Bloggerov stands for Courses For State Bloggers, and its purpose appears to be to teach loyal cyber-warriors how to hack into opposition blogs and find the addresses and telephone numbers of those behind them - all apparently sponsored by the Russian taxpayer.

In return, the loyal bloggers are given a membership card, Putin's book on ideology, a CD of Medvedev's video blog and their own badges and uniforms.

However, Sergeyeva also expresses her feelings and frustrations online, a rarity for a Russian politician. At times her blog veers off into Bridget Jones territory as she reveals her irritations with men.

"My friend Anya got married this summer, I was maid of honour at her wedding and even caught the bride's bouquet,' she writes in one entry. 'Now I am the only one who's left single among my girlfriends. The rest are married. I have only cats."

She laments the fact that men "don't understand what's wrong in wanting to have sex with someone else ... I've never seen someone who didn't cheat on his partner for three years in a row. Maybe they exist?"

One picture shows her looking the worse for wear. "I'm at a conference. Drunk - and after the banya [sauna]. It's 3am. A plastic glass with champagne in one hand and single malt whisky, 12 years old, in the other. So I drink champagne after whisky. And wearing nothing but stockings and flag of Cuba. This is my way of finding adventures."

When pressed, Sergeyeva admits there is an older man in her life. "I have a sort of relationship. I think it's real love. I have loved this man for two years - he's a bit older than me and not in my party."

"I am not encouraging him to come to United Russia. I don't think it's a woman's business to teach her man what to do."

Insiders believe she has a long political career ahead of her. "It's likely that she'll be very successful," predicts politician Robert Schlegel, himself a former Nashi member. She is tipped to join Schlegel soon in the Russian parliament.

Sergeyeva, the great-granddaughter of a Stalinist NKVD secret service officer who died in the siege of Leningrad, has come a long way since being expelled "for laziness" from an elite Moscow academy.

"I was very fat and had no friends," she has said. "We lived very poorly - I had no toys either. With that kind of despair, I read and pondered a lot."

Her mother, Lyudmila, is a 55-yearold retired government employee, while her father, Vladimir, 52, is a retired cold-storage worker.

By the time Maria reached the age of 13, "nature started making me taller and slimmer. . . So from tubshaped tearaway with a boy's haircut, I turned into something indecent. People thought, 'THIS is a glamorous blonde.' I try not to argue or disappoint them."

Although she collects guns and is a proficient markswoman, she insists: "I am not so violent. I also love dancing. I love the Hustle, Arabic dance and Latina."

But politics will always come first. "I would like one day to become President or at least Prime Minister," she says. "I don't think Russia is ready for a female president. On the other hand, in 20 years' time, when I am 44, this may change and it will be the right time for my presidency."

In the meantime, she proudly recalls the achievements of another of her role models, on whom history's verdict is somewhat equivocal.

"I adore Catherine the Great,' she says. 'Now she was a great leader."


Walmart Gang Initiation?

walmart gang initiation
Let's clear the air: there is no known murder plot in the next few days involving Wal-Mart, gangs and murder.

You can stop calling the police, e-mailing your relatives and haranguing already overworked crime reporters for not warning the public.

South Florida authorities say they've been inundated with questions about a possible gang initiation in which anywhere from one to three women will be murdered in a Wal-Mart parking lot on Thursday in Broward County. Or ,is it Palm Beach County? Maybe, Miami-Dade? How about Tallahassee? None of the above, police say.

"No, no, no," said Jim Leljedal, spokesman for the Broward Sheriff's Office. "These hoaxes and urban legends have been around forever. Now with the Internet they seem to travel with lightning speed."

The Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office put out a similar message.

"According to some sources, it appears to be a rumor which began in 2005 from the Memphis, Tenn., area which over the course of the past two nights has become more widespread throughout Florida," wrote Sheriff's Office spokeswoman Teri Barbera in an e-mail to media outlets.

These hoaxes are nurtured by well-meaning folks looking out for each other. You heard about the guys who hide under your car and clip your Achilles tendon to rob you? How about gang wannabes who drive with their headlights off and attack people who flash their lights at them? Or the guys who steal your car when you retrieve a flier from your rear windshield?

Such dire warnings are commonplace, especially in the e-mail age, says Barbara Mikkelson, who with her husband, David, founded perhaps the best urban legends reference on the Internet,, named by her husband in honor of a fictional family in William Faulkner's writings.

"They contribute to this growing conviction that we live in a truly dangerous world where every stranger is a potential rapist, murderer or gang member," she said. "Too many of these scary stories do work to convince people that everything is a huge potential danger."

But more often than not, such tales are untrue.

Here are some warning signs of a possible hoax or urban legend: e-mails that tell you to forward them to everyone; unverifiable authors or sources of information; stories that are outlandish but within the realm of possibility; stories that, if true, would have likely generated significant news coverage, but have not; and an unusual insistence that the story told is actually true.

Mikkelson said that people need to use common sense, be aware of their surroundings and not take unnecessary risks. But know the difference between being "prudently cautious and being out-and-out fearful," she said. "One is wise, one isn't."


David Friehling

David Friehling
David Friehling, Bernard Madoff’s accountant, was arrested and charged with securities fraud, the first accused accomplice to be named by authorities in connection with the money manager’s $65 billion Ponzi scheme.

Friehling was sole proprietor of the Friehling & Horowitz accounting firm. The firm occupied a 550-square foot space in New City, a northern suburb of New York City in Rockland County, and served as auditor to Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities since 1991, prosecutors said.

Friehling, 49, is not accused of knowing about the scheme. Rather, he allegedly deceived investors by falsely certifying that he had audited the financial statements of Madoff’s firm.

“Friehling failed to conduct audits that complied with GAAS and GAAP,” Acting U.S. Attorney Lev Dassin said in a statement, referring to generally accepted accounting principles and standards. “He did little or no testing, no verification of the ‘facts’ he certified. His job was not merely to rubber-stamp statements he didn’t verify.”

Defense attorney Andrew Lankler declined to comment. Friehling, who faces a maximum 105 years in prison, will appear in Manhattan federal court later today after surrendering to authorities this morning.

Meaningful Audit

Madoff, 70, pleaded guilty on March 12 to defrauding investors of as much as $65 billion and is jailed at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in Manhattan. He faces 150 years behind bars for using money from new investors to pay off old ones in a global fraud that ran from at least the early 1990s. Prosecutors are seeking to seize more than $100 million in assets from him and his wife, Ruth.

Keith Kelly, a Federal Bureau of Investigation agent, said in a criminal complaint that there’s no sign Friehling conducted a meaningful audit of Madoff Securities. He didn’t review material sources of firm revenue, examine a bank account through which billions of dollars of client funds flowed, or verify assets, liabilities or purported stock purchases, Kelly said.

Peter Henning, a law professor at Wayne State University in Detroit, said in an interview that Friehling’s arrest signals the government will prosecute Madoff workers even if they weren’t expressly aware of the fraud.

“The government is saying he was an enabler that allowed Madoff to keep up the facade that he was running a legitimate operation,” Henning said. “They’re saying the accountant could have blown the whistle if he did his job but he didn’t. A good accountant would have stopped this earlier.”


Besides securities fraud, Friehling is charged with aiding and abetting investment advisor fraud and four counts of filing false audit reports with the SEC.

“The government is going is after the gatekeepers,” said former federal prosecutor William Mateja. “The number one gatekeeper was his accountant.”

Prosecutors said that as far back at 1995, Friehling lacked “professional independence” from his client by having an account at Madoff Securities with a year-end net equity of more than the $500,000 maximum amount allowed under SEC rules.

Separately, the Securities and Exchange Commission filed a civil suit against Friehling and his firm in Manhattan federal court. The agency wants them to pay unspecified fines and forfeit “ill-gotten gains.”

Invested With Madoff

“Friehling essentially sold his license to Madoff for more than 17 years while Madoff’s Ponzi scheme went undetected,” said James Clarkson, acting director of the SEC’s New York office, in a statement. “For all those years, Friehling deceived investors and regulators by declaring that Madoff’s enterprise had a clean audit record.”

The Friehling family still had accounts at Madoff’s firm with reported balances of more than $14 million as of Nov. 30, according to the SEC. They began investing with Madoff around 1980 and withdrew more than $5.5 million since 2000, the agency said.

Friehling was paid between $12,000 and $14,500 a month between 2004 and 2007, Kelly said. The SEC said he was paid $186,000 in annual fees.

Friehling at one time operated the Friehling & Horowitz firm with his father-in-law, Jerome Horowitz, a former outside accountant for Madoff who retired in the 1990s and moved to Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.


Neil Friedman, a Madoff investor who lives in Palm City, Florida, said in a December interview that Horowitz had been Madoff’s accountant for decades and also lost money in the scam. Horowitz died on March 12, the same day as Madoff’s guilty plea, according to Lankler.

“We’re still in shock,” Friedman’s wife, Connie, who lost $4.5 million, said in an interview today. “How could you not be when 30 years of life savings is taken away from you?”

In a poem posted online after his father died, Irwin Horowitz said the Madoff scandal had been a “living nightmare” for his family. He said his father’s “reputation for honesty and integrity” has “suffered mightily simply from the association with Mr. Madoff.”

The case is U.S. v. Friehling, 09-mag-729, U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York (Manhattan).


Saturday, March 14, 2009

Daniela Krstic - Miss Oregon

Miss Oregon's father, a Bosnian Serbian refugee who moved his family to Beaverton in 1998, could be jailed and deported for visa fraud, court officials say.

Milenko Krstic lied to get his green card and said that he never served in the military, according to court documents. An international tribunal claims that Krstic's military unit was responsible for slaughtering unarmed Muslims in 1995. A judge threw out Krstic's indictment in 2007, but this week that ruling was overturned by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

Across the country, a number of former Bosnian Serbs have been prosecuted on similar immigration charges, a result of U.S. officials comparing their records to lists made available by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia.

The government hasn't alleged that the Krstic took part in killings.

His lawyer, Christopher Schatz, said Krstic was a conscripted clerk at the unit's headquarters "nowhere near Srebrenica," and didn't participate in, nor know about, mass killings during the war. "He is not a war criminal candidate," Schatz said.

According to the documents, Krstic was a member of the Zvornik Infantry Brigade for the Army Republic of Srpska from 1992 through 1995.A federal appeals court ruled this week that Krstic may have lied about his military service.The U.S. government alleges that Krstic didn't mention his military service, and denied it in an interview, when he applied for permanent residence in 1999. Federal agents took his green card seven years later.

During the conflict in Bosnia, the International Court of Justice in Europe charged that Bosnian Serbian forces murdered unarmed Muslim prisoners. The international court concluded that the brigade Krstic belonged to participated in massacres and ethnic cleansing. Schatz said Krstic before the war gained a reputation as a peacemaker, joining with his Muslim supervisor at a coal mine on a "reconciliation commission" that tried to avert the fighting that broke out in 1992. A prosecution document said that one mass killing was at a school "in close physical proximity to battalion headquarters where records show that defendant was working at the time." Schatz said Krstic is a mining engineer who now works in production operating a lathe.

In 2005, U.S. agents came to Krstic's home near Beaverton and said he admitted to serving in the military unit but denied committing any crimes. His daughter, Daniela Krstic, was crowned Miss Oregon in June and on Friday said that she's confident innocent and justice will be served.
"We don't know what's going to come out of all of this, but we know that he is an innocent guy, a good guy. We hope that justice will surface. We have faith in our country, the United States of America. I'm a proud citizen of this country," Daniela Krstic said.

The federal court of appeals ruling means that the U.S. government may continue the visa fraud prosecution against Milenko Krstic.

If convicted, it is possible that he and members of his family could be deported. A spokeswoman for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement in Seattle, Lorie Dankers, said she could not comment on the Krstic case. She said deportation would be a possibility in cases of visa fraud, but family members involved in such cases who could show their immigration benefit was gained independently might not be. The immigration proceedings would follow the criminal proceedings, which in the Krstic case could be lengthy.

Schatz said the appeals would reach to the U.S. Supreme Court if necessary.


Mike Stearns, a newly minted Georgetown MBA, is finding it nearly impossible to land a marketing job. So his wife, 28-year-old Robin Stearns, bought the domain name (Note: at time of writing, the website wasn’t working…perhaps Mike found that job), purchased a MacBook with her tax refund, and built Mike a portfolio site. “My Husband Needs a Job’s” homepage features Robin standing in front of the Golden Gate Bridge, holding a sign asking someone to hire her husband. 


This site was born out of frustration with the job market. My husband graduated in 2008 with an MBA from Georgetown. After Mike finished his MBA, we moved back to California to be closer to family. We both had high expectations for his career and our life after business school. However, those expectations quickly changed as we were faced with this horrible economy. After almost ten months of watching my wonderful husband work tirelessly to find a job, I decided to take matters into my own hands and help him stand out in a sea of unemployed.
Take a look around my site and get to know Mike. Learn more about him on the About Mike and Meet Mike pages. If you have any questions or would like the opportunity to meet my husband, you can email me on the Contact Mike page. Please pass this website along to friends, family, colleagues, and those who are hiring. I know each visitor to this site will think my husband is as great as I do. Someday soon one good company will become even better with him on their team.

Visitors can find Mike’s resume, background, a video, and an interview (done by Robin) intended to help people get to know Mike better. The site is basic, but useful. And one thing stands out: Enterprising Robin was the driving force behind the site, which has become a temporary online hit.

Does anyone else think Robin is the one who would be a better candidate for that marketing job?


WWE star Test dead at 33

Source: Mike Johnson and

- Former WWE Superstar Andrew "Test" Martin passed away last night at his home in Tampa, Florida at the age of 33, just four days away form his 34th birthday. We don't have many more details right now, but reports say he was found in his apartment. Tampa area authorities have declined to confirm it is Martin but word within the wrestling industry has been widespread.

Despite his earlier writings about the drug scene in the wrestling business, Martin ended up suspended under the WWE Wellness Policy and was released shortly afterwards. At the time, Martin claimed it was a mutual release that he asked the company for. Martin made a few appearances for TNA that year but there was a feeling that his huge physique was neon sign for the impending US Congress investigation into the business and also a feeling that his attitude didn't go over well with the TNA locker room, so he wasn't brought back. Test talked about retiring from the business but has made several appearances overseas since then, working a match in Japan last month. Martin was scheduled to leave this for a wrestling tour of Europe that would have made stops in several countries.

We will keep you updated with more details as they come in. Our deepest condolences go out to Martin's friends and family.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

How to get rid of acne

 Found this informative blog on "how to get rid of acne".

Disney today announced the launch of D23 (, the first official community for Disney fans in the Company's 85-year history. Through D23, fans will go backstage and behind closed doors to get the inside scoop from every part of Disney, while experiencing the nostalgia, adventure and fantasy of Disney as never before.

To view the Multimedia News Release, go to:

"We have a fantastic legacy that started in 1923 and is based on timeless stories, beloved characters and unforgettable experiences, but it's our fans that keep the spirit of Disney alive year after year, generation after generation," said Disney President and CEO Bob Iger at the Company's annual shareholder's meeting. "D23 is our way of saying 'thank you' and celebrating our fans, who bring the magic of Disney to life every day in every corner of the world."

As a part of this new Disney fan experience, today also marks the launch of D23's new quarterly publication, Disney twenty-three; the all-new D23 Web site at; and a new collectibles line, The Walt Disney Archives Collection, which was created specifically with D23 members in mind. D23 also will host special events for its members throughout the year, highlighted by the organization's signature event, the D23 Expo, which will be held in Anaheim this September 10-13.

A one-year D23 membership ($74.99) includes:

  • Disney twenty-three quarterly publication: A one-year subscription (four issues) to D23's new collectible magazine filled with stunning photography, dazzling illustrations and the ultimate Disney insider perspective. This advertising-free keepsake is the all-access pass to discovering the magic of Disney's past, present and future.
  • Membership Certificate and Card: The D23 membership card and suitable-for-framing member certificate -- both specially created for D23's Charter Year -- feature many of Disney's most beloved characters.
  • Surprise Collectible Gift and Member Merchandise: Each member who joins D23 will receive an exclusive collectible gift from the new Walt Disney Archives Collection. This merchandise line was created specifically with D23 members in mind, and each piece is authorized by the Walt Disney Archives. D23 members will have exclusive or early access to a wide assortment of Walt Disney Archives Collection pieces.
  • D23 Expo and Member Special Events: The D23 Expo -- to be held at the Anaheim Convention Center from September 10-13, 2009 -- will be "The Ultimate Disney Fan Experience," featuring incredible speakers, celebrity appearances, breathtaking exhibitions, interactive experiences, sneak peeks, film screenings, one-of-a-kind merchandise, and much more. All Disney fans are welcome, but D23 members will receive a discount on Expo admissions and early access to the show daily. D23 also offers unique members-only special event opportunities throughout the year.
  • All fans can stay connected to Disney every day through D23's new Web site, featuring up-to-the-minute Disney news, feature stories, event info and more, but only D23 members will receive regular email updates on special event and merchandise opportunities exclusive to them.


Thursday, March 5, 2009

Harley Pasternak’s 5 factor plan

A current search term that is gaining steam in Google today is "Harley Pasternak's 5 factor plan". He is a current favorite of some A-list celebrities so I'm sure this adds to his allure. The excerpt below is from his website's "About Harvey Pasternak" page.

As the best-selling author of 5-Factor Fitness (Putnam, 2005) and 5-Factor Diet(Meredith, 2006) and as a renowned fitness and nutrition expert, Pasternak has appeared on The Oprah Winfrey ShowThe Tyra Banks Show,Access HollywoodExtra!VH1CNNE!Rachael Ray, and America's Next Top Model, as well as making regular appearances on NBC’s Todayshow. Harley and the 5-Factor brand receive extensive print coverage in publications as diverse as CosmopolitanUS WeeklyInTouch,ShapeWoman’s WorldPeopleGlamourElle,AllureMen’s HealthFitnessSeventeenMarie ClaireTeen PeopleNew York PostLos Angeles TimesStarUrb, and The Washington Post. Harley is responsible for getting many of Hollywood’s most recognized celebrities into the best shape of their lives, from Jessica Simpson to Kanye West and Eva Mendes to John Mayer.

With a Masters of Science in Exercise Physiology and Nutritional Sciences from the University of Toronto, and an Honors Degree in Kinesiology from the University of Western Ontario, Harley’s books have been published in international markets in seven different languages. Harley is a spokesperson for Nintendo’s Wii Fit, New Balance athletic footwear, and Coca-Cola’s Fuze sugar-free beverages, and has made appearances in more than 20 countries.

After spending much time on the road in recent years, Pasternak is now turning his attention to globesity and the relationship between the worlds healthiest countries and the foods they eat in his upcoming, much-anticipated book, World Diet.


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Tattoo Barbie

A popular toy for girls is getting another makeover, but not everyone likes the new look.

Mattel is releasing a new Barbie covered in tattoos. She's called "Totally Stylin Tattoos Barbie" and will hit shelves ready for spring. She comes with a set of tattoo stickers which can be put anywhere on the doll. Some people say this is not appropriate for young children.

"I think it's attracting kids too young that want to expose parts of body to show off tattoos" says Jenn Alcayaga. Beth Kirkpatrick says "I guess I'm old school. That would not fly. I would not buy that for my granddaughters."

Doll collectors say this isn't the first time mattel's pushed the limits. A few years ago, the company released a pregnant midge doll. When her stomach was opened an infant would pop out. Complaints forced stores like Wal-Mart to stop selling the controversial doll in 2002.

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